The perfect trip to Barcelona

El objetivo, conocer Barcelona y enamorarse de la costa catalana

During the last week of May we welcomed a group of 12 Brazilians who visited the city of Barcelona and the best regions around Catalonia. The group was made by the owners of the agencies that sold most trips in 2015 for an important international travel company settled in South America. The goal, get to know Barcelona and fall in love with the Catalan coast. From Premium Traveler Barcelona we worked hard during several weeks in order to organize a unique and customized trip that could draw memories for a lifetime.

El grupo quedó enamorado del patrimonio cultural e histórico de Girona

Well, it looks like we made it. During a week they visited, learned, savored and lived Barcelona and Catalonia through their culture, gastronomy, architecture, history and people. By land and sea, from north to south, during day and night, by foot, on segway, through vineyards and much more. Their experience was fantastic and the testimonials we received are the best proof of it.

Disfrutando de Peratallada, el increible pueblo medieval de la Costa Brava

“Barcelona is such a wonderful destination, with many things to do, places to visit and hidden secrets. All I have to say is that my trip was incredible and I need to give credit for that to Premium Traveler Barcelona. They planned every little detail in advance. We were able to visit places that are almost impossible for you to find by yourself or to make a reservation. Yet, their fun and knowledgeable tour guides made the tours very special.”

Montserrat, la montaña mágic de Cataluña

“Estivemos em Barcelona na semana de 23 a 30/05/2016. Fomos recepcionados pela Premium Traveler Barcelona, apesar de nossas inumeras experiencias de viagens, ficamos impressionados com a qualidade, responsabilidade e segurança com que fomos tratados, transfers e passeios em carros de luxo, locais maravilhosos com guias bilingue e altamente capacitados, dando uma perspectiva completa de cada local que visitamos, Girona, Montserrat, o restaurante El Celler de Gran Roca, Vinicola no Pendés, entre outros lugares maravilhosos. A  Premium Traveler Barcelona e toda sua equipe estao de parabens, continuem assim, Barcelona com a  Premium Traveler Barcelona é mais Barcelona!”

Haciendo una ruta en Segway para conocer los mejores rincones de la ciudad sobre ruedas

“A experiência que tivemos foi magnífica. Essa foi minha terceira viagem a Barcelona, mas pareceu a primeira vez devido a programação super seleta que vc elabotou, aos guias que nos acompanharam, a qualidade dos veículos que fora colocados à nossa disposição e, sobretudo pela acolhimento da sua presença fazendo-se presente quase que todos os dias entre nós. O contato com o Pablo de Premium Traveler Barcelona da nos deu a certeza que estamos em excelente companhia.”

Navegando en barco por la costa barcelonesa

We feel very happy for having surprised such demanding and expert travelers.  Nos sentimos muy felices por haber conseguido sorprender a viajeros tan expertos y exigentes. These testimonials motivate us to keep on working with passion every day.

Do you want to live a unique experience as well? Contact us and be ready to enjoy the best trip of your life.




Live Christmas in Barcelona

December is definitely the month of Christmas shopping. The streets dress up and showcases are illuminated to call our attention. Some consider this time of the year as a mandatory free time to shop, however, we suggest yo to enjoy a different Christmas with activities that will make you delve as ever into Catalan tradition

Sailing and mediterranean experiences

In Barcelona we enjoy the sun 300 days a year and from March until November, the sea is also a great way to experience the good weather. Thus, in Premium Traveler Barcelona we have searched for the best ships to enjoy the Mediterranean in the best possible way. Here are 5 activities that will allow you to sail along our local