Sporty Barcelona

Our expert guide in the world of sports will accompany us on a very special tour

Discover the sportiest side of Barcelona!

Barcelona is synonymous of modernism, museums, good weather, haute cuisine, great exhibitions… but so it is of sport. And the fact is that Barcelona is considered the second most sportive city in the world, which is not surprising if we bear in mind that it is an ideal place both for practicing physical activities and watching major sports events. The city also has two great icons of the sports world, the Camp Nou and the Montjuïc Mountain.

Accompanied by our expert guide we’ll recall FC Barcelona’s sporting successes walking through the most emblematic facilities of the Camp Nou. We’ll discover the visitors’ changing room, the players’ tunnel, the benches area in the playing field, the newsroom, the museum… at the end of the visit, we’ll have the chance of buying the shirt of our favorite player!

Then we’ll head to the magical mountain of Montjuïc where we’ll enjoy stunning views of the city and discover the major facilities that hosted the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, ​​such as the Olympic Stadium Lluís Companys, the Palau Sant Jordi or the Calatrava Tower. Definitely the best way to revive the Olympic spirit of 1992 that represented a very relevant change for the urban’s physiology of the city and opened its doors to the world.

For further information regarding cultural or sport events available and reservations, do not hesitate to contact us at or directly calling us to the phone number +34 932 225 510. The team of experts in art and culture of Premium Traveler Barcelona will be thrilled to accompany you during your visit to the city and together we will design a route totally personalized for you: attending a sporting event, visiting museums, enjoying at live music concert, or even discovering Catalonia’s beautiful landscapes whether it’s flying over with an helicopter, by land in 4×4 or sailing across the Mediterranean sea. Everything is possible with us!




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