We organized a magical event in an emblematic building

Luxury experience for the best clients of Societé Generale

The event that we want to introduce today is a petition from Societé Generale, a French bank that called us to organize a dinner in Barcelona for its top clients. It was a challenge as such discerning attendees, who have probably tried menus in the best restaurants and visited the most stunning spaces are not easy to surprise with.

The WOW effect was a must, both thanks to the venue and the gastronomy. The idea was to choose an emblematic place in the city, decorated for the occasion, with exquisite service and a menu that could fit all palates but which would mainly represent Spanish culture. After many visits, we opted for a cocktail and dinner in La Llotja de Mar, a building that represents the city commerce but which is not open to the public and, therefore, an excluisve place to host an event.

After picking up the guests at the hotel, we started the evening with a cocktail in the outside area, with appetizers from the Le Chef catering and guided visits to the building, a unique opportunity to discover what is hidden behind the walls of Barcelona’s Chamber of Commerce.

We then guided the clients to the Contracts Hall, a clear and open space, lightened for the occasion and in which we dressed up squared tables for the 200 guests. The dinner became an opportunity to enjoy of a distended and pleasant evening away from formalisms.

At Premium Traveler Barcelona we know how to find the right place for each client and organize all the details that make each event the most special for every occasion. If you want more information about how we work contact us




Be a guest of the Masquerade Ball

One of the most exclusive events celebrated each year introduces its 3rd edition in the Liceu Opera House in Barcelona. We are talking about the Masquerade Ball, a celebration that dates back to 1848 and which lasted until a few years before the first Wold War.

We visited the W Barcelona hotel suite and this is what we found

When we visit a luxury hotel, we expect to find much more than a comfortable bed, a shower with well regulated water and a wide choice during breakfast. Part of our job is to look for the best rooms with the most personalized service and the perfect comfort for you to have the best stay in our city.